
How To Start A Youtube Ministry Pt. 2

Read Part One Here
Reading this section tells a lot of the passion to really use videos to impact the nations of our world. Read on to be edified because social media has come to stay, thus the effective utilization of this platform the better. After following the recommendations given from the previous article, get these facts too;

Set a purpose 

Get a common goal for your videos in order to make your presentations different and unique. Know whom God has sent you to and the message you have for them. You cannot preach the whole bible from Genesis to Revelation. Before a King sends, he gives a message!! Is your message on Jesus saves, heals, work miracles, sanctifies, prospers, baptizes in the Holy Ghost…….etc. Set a common goal or path for all your videos to strengthen your “brand”.

Search for what you want

When there is a clear and specific path you want your videos to fulfil it becomes easier for you to search for the materials you want. For example, if your video is to lift Jesus as a healer, you begin to search for videos that testify that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. You can get videos from healing crusades, living testimonies from other believers emphasizing their condition before the healing and the transformation after the healing. This will need a lot of expertise from cinematography to guide you on how to edit the videos to make it more quality. As you start, the Holy Spirit will guide you and give you more ideas for you to be more creative in your presentations.


I know this is what a lot of bloggers will be waiting for. What will be the comment? How do people like the videos? Know that you are lifting the name of the Lord and your greatest joy should be the lives transformed out of the videos. Nevertheless, any criticism from your followers shouldn’t be ignored but seen as an improvement.