
How to start a Youtube Ministry

You need to understand that missions is not only about physical contact with the people you are sent to. YouTube has about 1.3 billion users across the world. The mission field is now online. One of the powerful tool in missions is video. It has a way of attracting people because of the visuals, sound, lighting, background and content. Be informed that the circular blogger is not concerned about the content of the video but rather quality, likes, comments, shares to get more followers or subscribers. Although these are good factors but it has nothing to do with ministry if the content is doesn’t lift high the name of the lord JESUS. Before you start, consider the following steps;

It’s expensive

You tube ministry is one of the most expensive ministries for missionaries. This is because of the quality visuals needed to attract viewers. Quality video cameras, beautiful background, lighting system and even the ‘’make ups” of the people who will do the speaking in the video. But be encouraged that as long the content is Christ; He will do the attraction even if you don’t have enough resources. Step into this ministry by faith!! We advice that you use whatever you have to start. Smart phones could be used for the start to get good videos and edit them as well.

Don’t be a jack of all trade

Approach this ministry with an open minded spirit. Be open to new interventions, applications and many others. Where you don’t have enough skills, don’t try to do it. Especially with the speaking, editing, sound, get more people on board to make the content rich and catchy.

Get a cool name or “brand”

The media industry is about branding to make your ministry unique and be easily identified. Can you think about any brand for your videos? This name should cut across board. This is because your target is not just believers but unbelievers to win them for the Lord.
We hope this little piece helped you to start something? Get ready for the second part of this article.