The best soul winner is the Holy Spirit. He shall convict the world of their sins. However, the Spirit of God uses a human vessel to win souls to glorify the name Jesus. Are you ready to be used to bring many souls to the Kingdom? These tips are not the only way but just a guide. 

man being baptized

man being baptized

  1. When you witness, look to the Holy Spirit for guidance concerning whom to approach.
  2. Use God’s Word, not yours. Experiences and testimonies that are not scripturally based should be avoided. The Holy Spirit will honor only scriptures and not our human theory.
  3. When you witness, emphasize just one verse. Many verses in the bible might confuse your hearers since they are not yet born again and may not understand the gospel. 
  4. Never be rude. Always be loving and kind in your conversation. Never insult anyone.
  5. Never lose your temper. When you witness, you lose your effectiveness if you become angry. Especially when ministering to others from a different religious background. Be gentle
  6. Don’t be in a hurry. Introducing Christ is not like serving fast food-rushing in and out.

Written by Emmanuel Koduah