
How God Led A Couple Into The Mission Field

(From Colombia to Ecuador to Kosovo and finally to Russia)

If we could summarize our overall experience about the “call into the misión field”, we could say it in this way: it has been a process of telling God that we are willing for what He has arranged for us, without limits or conditions, that his will is all we want for our lives and family, there is nothing better than that. 

So, He spoke to us when I was 16 years old and told me (wife) about his plans for me in a place where they didn’t know him and where they would be in conflict or post-conflict, I was in Colombia at that time; 12 years later, when I had experienced many processes of transformation in my character, of preparation in the service and with a professional career, in addition to being married, he took us to Kosovo, there, he transformed us and took us to know him, to see Him there in a different way, because we didn’t take him with us, he took us to where he was already, our job was to discover him and join what he was already doing there.

That same year, 2010, He laid i on our heart to pray for a region in the North of the Caucasus (Russia), but in prayer he requested us to give from the resources he has already given to us for what He was doing there, in the North Caucasus,  and then led us to walk on the land we had so much prayed, only moved by His compassion and love for a tremendous need for “voices to prepare hearts”, and it was in a year of prayer for direction before ending our second period of service in Kosovo and after having completed 6 years of service, then He changed our journey and told us: “now I have prepared you to go to a denser place, where I have big plans and I am doing great things, I want you to join me there.

So, it was after we had finished a 7 and half years of service in Kosovo, a very arid desert, when facing a left eye cancer in our only daughter, of 15 months back then, and needing a year and a half to leave the desert in victory with the life, the eye and the wonderful health of our little one, and having equipped more than 70 congregations that walk with us to make our stay in this region possible, then we arrived to the promised land, to live with Him on a new adventure. His call has not been something unexpected for us, it has been a process of following him one step at a time, of learning to make mistakes and depending on him and his grace, the best decision is to dispose and obey him, is to desire to be where He is and His invitation to be with Him !!!