
Growing up spiritually

Growth has a pattern and a blueprint, mostly not able to trace or fathom but its reality and its fruitfulness cannot be hidden. Life without growth and maturity will always lead to futility.

The creator places the tendencies and potentials in its creation to enable its creatures mature and growth to reflect that the creator is competent enough to reproduce his abilities because every creature is just a replica of its creation

Biological growth is the only growth that needs no special parameters and blueprints to happen, you just have to be alive to be experience biological growth and enlargement. Is the approach of biological growth the best way spiritual growth and maturity can find expression? Are there some specific requirements needed to be able to nurture growth and produce a finished product that has the credential of having attained a full stature?

1 Peter 2:2 You must crave pure spiritual milk so that you can grow into the fullness of your salvation. Cry out for this nourishment as a baby cry for milk (NLT)

As simple as milk is, it has essential fatty acids such as Omega 3, Calcium, Vitamins A and D which in effects enable maturation, vision and growth of the baby. The word of God has a portion that can be likened to milk and it is able to become a foundational food to fast truck maturation, good vision(perspectives) and the ability to be skillful to be able to discern right and wrong.


Spiritual growth is a conscious effort that can be attained if we consciously feed our selves in the word as children crave and cry for milk