
Campus Outreaches

The Lord Jesus is doing an amazing thing in the world by bringing people of different nationalities together under the umbrella of education. This is sparking revival in the various nations and campuses. It will amaze you that most nations have closed their doors to missionaries but student visas are easy to get. I believe strongly that this is the wisdom of God that has been ordained for our glory. Little do they know that most students are missionaries and God is using that door to reach out to the unsaved world. Praise God. We can give several examples of Christians who travelled to several nations with the aim of studies but the Lord rekindled a fire of missions in them. And their motive and mindset changed. This is really happening in nations like China, Japan, Russia and most unreached groups of our world.

Missions Today is poised to reach out to the world and the various campuses with the gospel and organizing annual missions outreaches for students across globe. This is to infuse students with a passion and missions strategies to reach out to areas where various skills are needed in the development of the communities. As part of community development process, the gospel and the love of God for this dying world would be communicated in another way to win souls into the kingdom.