
Afcon: An Opportunity For Missionaries To Cross-Culture With The Gospel

In my view as a missionary, I am always looking for an opportunity to preach Christ in nations. You may call me an opportunist but that’s good for the kingdom of God to break other grounds. This year’s AFCON happens to be held in Cameroon. A strategic event where thousands and millions are gathering in a nation. It’s an opportunity for missionaries to travel from different spots to cross the Cameroonian border to share the love of Christ with other nationalities. Missionaries within the nation of Cameroon can also take advantage and host some of them to manifest Christ. This door opened is for Christ to be manifested through football events. I understand someone is finding it a bit difficult to understand the “HOWS”. Anyway during the world cup in Russia 2018, missionaries from south America went purposely to preach Christ on a land where evangelism is banned. Very strategic and it worked!!

Language of the competition

Firstly get a fair knowledge of the nations and languages that will dominate the competition. English, French, Arabic might be the dominant language spoken in Africa officially. Football has its own unique language that attracts and unites all kinds of people together. Understand the language of the game as a missionary. 

Be neutral in the stadium 

Be a unifier and a representative of Christ in the stadium during football matches. This can be demonstrated in the attire you wear and the kind of national flag you are holding. If possible both national flags of the teams that are playing. This will even catch the attention of fans to know who you are. Making friends through that and share a simple message with them 

Be prepared at all times 

Be prepared to share the gospel with flyers, souvenirs, banners in different languages at strategic points. See yourself as Billy Graham holding a meeting in a stadium, preaching to multitudes of people. This AFCON will seat more than a hundred thousand in a stadium and viewers on TV Stations across the continent and beyond. 

To avoid any form religious bully, it’s always advisable to go in groups or a team of more than 10 missionaries at a spot. Believe that the Holy Spirit will bring nations to the light of the gospel as you share the love of God with others.